Saturday, July 09, 2005


To the west of Abu Ghraib, on the road to Fallujah, there was an open air market where one could buy anything, including weapons. Of course, no self-respecting terrorist would shell out serious money for an AK-47 without trying it out. This made American soldiers somewhat nervous. There was always gunfire coming from that market; you just never knew if you were getting attacked or an Iraqi was merely checking out the merchandise.

Another disconcerting habit of the Iraqis was the practice of firing weapons in the air at weddings and other celebrations. Whatever happened to the Dollar Dance?!

Saturday, July 02, 2005


That was my unofficial callsign for most of the deployment.
I was one of the guys who carried wads of money around, paying off the Iraqi contractors and buying supplies off the local economy.
This caused me to be very nervous whenever I had to crack open the safe, as evidenced by the very tense expression on my face. By the way, this is a VERY bad picture. I was under considerable stress.
This site is a chronicle of my year as a Civil Affairs Officer during Operation Iraqi Freedom I. These posts will form the framework of a book I'm writing about my experiences during that time. The book is tentatively titled: A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Iraqi Sovereignty. It covers all the stupid, idiotic, funny, ridiculuous, and sometimes heart-breaking episodes of my year in a combat zone.
This blog will not be a bully-pulpit for topics like Bush-bashing, whether we were justified in invading Iraq, should we nuke the whole region, would people welcome a Survivor: Iraq, etc. People who join the military do not have the luxury of choosing which conflict in which they will fight. I love my country. I will NOT trash it or its elected leaders, irregardless of their political affilliation. This book is about what happens when humans are plucked out of their everyday lives and thrown into a stressful situation miles from home. It brings out the best and the worst in people; my chapters will discuss both. My goal is to make you think you were there.

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